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- Short: A tool that disables your screen blanker when certain tasks are running
- Uploader: Alexander Niven-Jenkins <anj@cremlinsoftware.org>
- Author: Ghandi <ghandi@cremlinsoftware.org> and Alexander Niven-Jenkins <anj@cremlinsoftware.org>
- Type: util/blank
- Replaces: AntiBlanker.lha
- Requires: OS3.x and at least a 68020
- *******************************************************************************
- *******************************************************************************
- Why was it written?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Because the screen blanker we were using would eat up too much CPU time when we
- were trying to burn CDRs thus ruining them, and we kept forgetting to disable
- it beforehand, so we thought we would get our Amiga to do it for us.
- How do I run AntiBlanker from Workbench?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Just double click on the AntiBlanker icon. In order to tell AntiBlanker what
- tasks to look out for you must setup it's ToolTypes as follows:
- DELAY=<the delay between checks (in 1/50ths of a second)>
- BLANKCODE=<the blank key code, see below>
- BLANKQUALIFIER=<the blank qualifier, see below>
- TASK=<the task name you would like to disable your screen blanker for>
- e.g.:
- DELAY=6000
- BLANKCODE=0x0062
- TASK=PalomaTV
- The above would disable your screen blanker when ever MakeCD or PalomaTV are
- running, and it will check to see if they are running every 2 minutes
- (6000/50/60 = 2 minutes), but
- How do I run AntiBlanker from the CLI?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Type the following at a CLI prompt:
- <Path>AntiBlanker <Config #1> <Config #2> ... <Config #n>
- Where <Config #n> are any number of configuration files, AntiBlanker will
- automatically append them all together. The format of the configuration files
- are as follows:
- Line1 The delay between check (in 1/50ths of a second).
- Same as DELAY tooltype.
- Line2 The blank key code (see below).
- Same as BLANKCODE tooltype.
- Line3 The blank qualifier (see below).
- Same as BLANKQUALIFIER tooltype.
- Line4 .. x The task name you would like to disable your screen blanker for.
- Same as TASK tooltype.
- nb. When using multiple configuration files, AntiBlanker uses the DELAY,
- BLANKCODE and BLANKQUALIFIER from the last configuration file specified.
- What are the blank code and blank qualifier?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AntiBlanker works by putting 'fake' input events onto the input chain, thus
- fooling your screen blanker into thinking you've pressed a key when you
- haven't. Versions before 0.4 used the Control (Ctrl) key for this purpose as
- we thought it was least likely to cause any conflicts, unfortunately we did not
- fill in the input event with a single Control, but instead we accidentally set
- it to <Ctrl> + <'> and this would produce 'trash' in a shell window and in some
- software.
- As of version 0.5 you can specify the blank code and blank qualifier (see
- above), this allows you to program AntiBlanker to 'fool' the system with any
- key you like. You can specify the codes as hex or decimal by copying them
- exactly from the tables below (the tables are not complete, but should get you
- started).
- Blank codes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Key Hex Code Decimal Code
- --- -------- ------------
- Left Shift 0x0060 96
- Right Shift 0x0061 97
- Caps Lock 0x0062 98
- Control 0x0063 99
- Left Alt 0x0064 100
- Right Alt 0x0065 101
- Left Amiga 0x0066 102
- Right Amiga 0x0067 103
- nb. The above blank codes work on our A1200, although they may be slightly
- different for other Amigas (and possibly foreign keyboards), if you get 'trash'
- in a shell window while using AntiBlanker try a different code.
- Blank qualifiers
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Key Hex Code Decimal Code
- --- -------- ------------
- Left Shift 0x0001 1
- Right Shift 0x0002 2
- Caps Lock 0x0004 4
- Control 0x0008 8
- Left Alt 0x0010 16
- Right Alt 0x0020 32
- Left Amiga 0x0040 64
- Right Amiga 0x0080 128
- If you find one of the above keys conflicts with your software try another.
- nb. the Caps Lock codes do not appear to actually affect the status of
- Caps Lock.
- Which blankers work with AntiBlanker?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AntiBlanker has been tested and proven to work with the following screen
- blankers, although it should work with almost any screen blanker. If you have
- tested it with a blanker not listed, please let us know the results so that we
- can update the list.
- Blanker AntiBlanker version Comments
- ------- ------------------- --------
- extras:tools/commodities/Blanker 0.1+
- util/cdity/mcx280.lha 0.1+
- util/blank/ASwarmII2_0.lha 0.2+
- util/blank/Auror15a.lha 0.2+
- util/blank/BeyondTheDark.lha 0.2+
- util/blank/Blanker2.6.lha 0.2+
- util/blank/DesktopMAGIC.lha 0.2+
- util/blank/GBlanker36.lha 0.2, 0.3, 0.5+
- util/blank/GBlanker36_020.lha 0.2, 0.3, 0.5+
- util/blank/FlyingToasters.lha 0.2+
- util/blank/MTX.lha 0.2+ MTX 1.5+ required
- util/blank/ShadowMaster.lha 0.2+
- util/blank/StarBlanker.lha 0.2+
- util/blank/SwazBlanker240.lha 0.2+
- Miscellaneous notes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Task names are CASE SENSITIVE, you can find out the name of task via a tool
- such as Scout.
- To stop AntiBlanker, send it a CTRL-C signal either via the Break/BreakName
- programs or by a tool such as Scout. Please note that AntiBlanker will not end
- immediately but after it's next loop.
- To get the best performance out of AntiBlanker (so that it uses the least CPU
- time), put the tasks that you use most at the bottom of the tool type list (or
- configuration files). Due to the way AntiBlanker stores the task names
- internally it actually checks for the tasks in the reverse order to the how you
- specify them.
- Registration and contacting us
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- AntiBlanker is 'email ware', this means that if you use it then you must send
- us an email. As you can see this is a very small cost to pay.
- Also feel free to visit our website at http://www.cremlinsoftware.org it hosts
- all the latest versions of our software (including BETA releases).
- History
- ~~~~~~~
- Version Date Comments
- 0.1 15.06.1998 · First public release.
- 0.2 15.06.1998 · Fixed AntiBlanker so that it works with Garshneblanker.
- [Luca 'Hexaae' Longone]
- 0.3 05.09.1998 · Fixed an Enforcer hit that was caused by our linked
- list class.
- [Luca 'Hexaae' Longone]
- 0.4 14.09.1998 · Added user definable blank key.
- · Altered the code so it sends a KEY_UP event instead of
- a KEY_DOWN. This should reduce the amount of conflicts
- with existing software.
- 0.5 BETA 15.09.1998 · Added The BlankCodeFinder program to the AntiBlanker
- package.
- · Changed user definable blank key so that it is
- specified as a CODE and QUALIFIER, instead of just a
- · Altered the code so it sends a KEY_DOWN event like 0.3
- did, as we had forgotten this was necessary for
- Garshneblanker compatibility (oops).
- 1.0 15.02.2000 · Finally fixed the Enforcer hit on startup (that only
- took 1½ years).
- [Luca 'Hexaae' Longone]
- · Configuration file(s) are now closed properly.
- · Added CTRL-C support.
- · A number of internal optimisations and recompiled with
- the new OS3.5 includes.
- 1.1 05.03.2000 · Our linked list class has been enhanced and cleaned up
- for one of our other projects, so we have recompiled
- AntiBlanker to accomodate the new class.
- No real changes have been made to the program itself.
- 1.2 20.05.2000 · General cleanup of the code which has reduced the
- executable size slightly and AntiBlanker should use
- ever so slightly less memory.
- · AntiBlanker does now work with MTX, thanks to it's
- author for rewritting the checking code :-)
- · We have moved from HiSOFT C++ to StormC, basically
- because StormC is still being developed.